
dimanche 10 février 2013

Discovery : Pandor

Few weeks ago I tried Pandor with few friends...

# What ?
          Pandor is a spirit made with Absinth plants, 2 products are marketed the White Pandor (40°) and the Black Pandor (60°). I taste the white one and I drank Absinth many times when I was in Malta and White Pandor doesn't really taste like the one I tried. It's smoother, less agressive with very nice soft licorice aromas. I didn't tried the black one yet, I'm afraid it will be too strong, but it could be fun though. 

       Created in 1792 by a Doctor, Absinth knew a huge succes from the middle of 18th century and became, the artists' and poets' alcohol. A tons of famous people used to drink it Musset, Apollinaire, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Manet, Degas, Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Picasso, etc. Lots of people have wrong idea about absinth, such as "Absinth create hallucinations", "Absinth make people lose their mind". The truth is, back in those bohemian days there was a lots of alcoholics so it's not the beverage itself which harmed people but the overconsumption. 

        Pandor intents to bring Absinth back in our partys with its spirit of fun, love and freedom. The brand wants to get rid of the "poete maudit" image and make absinth an alcohol we will consume as easily as whisky, vodka or rum. They propose nice cocktail recipe on their website wich looks really nice. Personaly I drank it in shot and then in a Jet 27 // Pandor cocktail. Anyway forget the absinth spoon, the sugar and the flames, take a shot and enjoy !

Hope you'll test it and share with us this experience !
Cheers !

dimanche 3 février 2013

Candlemas Day Edition - Let's cook!

# Cooking French Style.

       This week-end we cooked some French crêpes with caramelized pears & caramel chips. Because we love spirits we decided to try to flamed those with Cognac. And that was quite fun.. We made a quick video to share with you guys our experiment soooo let's see this.

# Shopping List

For the batter :
- Flour 250g
- Eggs 3-4
- Milk 500ml
For the accompaniment :
- Pears
- Vanilla sugar
- Butter
Alcohol :
- Cognac

# Tips

         We choose to use Cognac but you can as well taste it with Rum, Grand Marnier or Armagnac. And if you prefer sweet alcohol you can try it with Cider, it's really good. As you can see in the video we used a lot of Cognac -and we almost set fire to my apartment- but in fact a capful would have been enough.I think we said pretty much all you need. So now let's cook ! ;)

Hope you'll enjoy this video as much as we enjoy doing it and see you soon!

dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Don't go on appearances! This is a beer and yet...

Stronger than a vodka or whiskey

“Sink the Bismark” isn’t anymore the strongest beer in the world. This beer has a 41 % alcohol by volume but it nothing compare to the n° 1: ARMAGEDDON, which has a 65 % alcohol by volume ! Just talking about it, we already have an headache !

# What?
This beer is made by Scottish company, Brewmeister and according to its brewers; it must be consumed as a fine whisky and not as a common beer.

# For who?
Brewmeister’s aim with this product is “people who like something different, who appreciate a fine quality product that’s made in small batches by people who care about what they’re doing.”

# How?
The secret of this SUPER-STRONG beer is a process called “freeze distillation. It means that Brewmeister’s trick is to cool the beer to zero degrees when water starts to freeze while alcohol doesn’t. This product is still called “BEER”because it uses classic ingredients : water, malted barley, hops. But we are here to see the result of this technical masterpiece.

# How much?
$50 directly on Brewmeister's website or £80 in the shops for a 330 ml bottle
This beer definitely has to be consumed with friends like a fine whiskey. This beer is such expensive because they brew only very small quantities of beer at any one time, and the freeze distillation process means they throw away about 85 per cent of the brew mixture. Plus,‘about £12 of the price goes straight to the taxman’.

So now try it with your friends around a glass ! It's worth a try !
Cheers !

dimanche 20 janvier 2013

Visiting a cooper

               Talking about the barrels is talking about the essence of a wine. Even if it is a Cognac or an Armagnac the barrel is essential in the winemaking process and the selection of it is primordial in view of having a certain amount of tannins, a type of colors and particular aromas.

    I had the chance to visit one of the oldest and most innovative cooper of France : Radoux Companie, and I’m glad to share with you my day trip in Jonzac, small and lovely village close to Cognac where Radoux has is unit production.

The visit begins in the unit production. Utilisation of my camera was not allowed in certain part of the visit in order to maintain the secret of high technological machineries (Chinese people are really afraid and unenthusiastic by the idea of not using their camera, anyway it’s FORBIDDEN).

During that visit it is explaining how they are working.

Major part of the raw material, the wood, is a French production of oak coming from the most famous forest of France.
The forest is managed by the ONF (Office National des Forets, who belongs to the French government) who attach importance to the survival of it and which replant consistently oak tree. The tree used are between 130 and 150 years, that’s an explication of the breathtakingly high price.
Radoux is working in a just in time production depending therefore the order of their customers (chateaux, estates, wineries, cooperative cellars).
Once the order made a long, important and meticulous work is given for the choice of the staves.

The staves:

     The staves, once they are received in Jonzac, are subject to minisious and innovative analysis. The oak must be perfect, strong and hermetic.

An exemple of default on a stave:

     Radoux has its own research & development department and is working in partnership with Bordeaux Faculty of Oenology to analyze the impact of exchange between wood and wine. 
One of their innovation is impressive: OakScan: it allows via infrared to measure polyphenol content directly on the wood. Thus we can adapt the selection of the wood to the oenological objective.

After these several explanations I have assist to the artisanal assembly of the barrel. It is such nice to see that man doing it by hand that I let you enjoy that moment by video.

That part of the production is essential. Any machinery would be able to produce it and replace the fantastic hand made work of the human. It is rare in a 30 million-turnover company working all around the world to still have an artisanal French touch. I personally support the idea and respect that work.

Another part who surprised me and which is also so important: the warming!

      Depending on how the customer want to work, different warm are propose. For example less you warm more your wine will be structuring. 
Again, that part is made by hand. The warm takes approximately 30 to 50 minutes.

Only 2% of worldwide wine production uses the oak barrels process. However, in the view of the general and international consumption tendency, that figure is going to increase.

To finish, Radoux is not only seeling barrels. They also work with “alternative”. It means that customers having a specific request can order staves giving different wine profile in function of a polyphenol rate. They have 3 differents staves: low, medium and high. That staves are uses during primary fermentation or during aging and the dosage rate is 1 or 2 staves/hl.

For information Radoux produce 55 000 to 65 000 barrels/year, that means 200/days. 

If you are looking for having more information about Radoux or want to visit it please find all the informations on their web site

See you next week for a new article Around a Glass, Cheers !

dimanche 13 janvier 2013

[Re] Discovery : Menthe Pastille

In that new post we propose you to discover a forgotten alcohol, 
which has won the hearth of our parents 
but is now almost unknown for our generation.

# What?
     Menthe Pastille is a mint liquor, it's very fresh with a great balance between sugar and alcohol. That is why we had a preference for Menthe Pastille compare to Get 27. It's much more refreshing, to enjoy it the best way, drink it "on the rocks", you can also had sparkling or still water.

# History
   The Giffard company is a french artisanal society which used to produce syrups, eau de vie and liquors. In 1855 Emile Giffard -pharmacist- was making some research about refreshing and digestives virtues of the mint. After several tests he develops a mint liquor : Menthe Pastille was born. So Giffard decided to specialize in the alcoholic beverages and syrups.
     The secret of their success was due to the perfect knowledge of the different products uses and know how of artisanal fabrication.

# Cocktail
   Giffard company, because they have that appreciation and understanding of how to conbine beverages to make something gustatif and tasty, decided to create cocktails for different occasions :
Short drink / Long drink / No alcohol / Events / Coffee and tea

      Lets discover a cocktail we selected for you. It's an innovative cocktail invent by a bartender Master student in Angers school and who had the chance to win the first price of Giffard School Cup : perfect to share with your friends and easy to make !

Tropical Revelation

  • 3 cl Menthe Pastille
  • 1 cl Limon Giallo
  • 2 cl Passion juice
  • 3 cl Emulsion of pink grapefruit syrup and fresh cream
1 cl = 2 teaspoons

To do the emulsion you just have to blend the syrop and the fresh cream with a whisk. Then use a shaker to do your cocktail.

If you want to have fun with your friends 
and share an educative and warm moment 
you can also visit that old french artisanal company.

Thanks to all for your reading and cheers !

dimanche 6 janvier 2013

Discovery : Hedonist

This week we would like to share with you 
an original product we tryed few month ago 
during a launch party at the Boutique Hotel in Bordeaux : 

    Hedonist is a Cognac liquor with natural ginger and a hint of vanilla. The association of three ingredients matching perfectly to create this wonderful drink. It is a surprising and lovely way to rediscover Cognac wich should pleased both tenderfoots and Cognac lover. You can enjoy it on the rocks or in cocktails.

     Launch in february 2012 Hedonist is a pretty young brand. But the brand has already won a bronze medal in the 2012 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition. Hedonist is also in the Top 3 of the Cocktails Spirits Awards - Best New Product (selected out of one hundred).

# Cocktail.
There is 8 great receipes on their web site. My favorite mix is the one with champagne and lemon : 
The Pool


  • In a 70cl wine glass "Cabernet Sauvignon"
  • Pour 2/3rd of ice cubes into the glass
  • Pour Hedonist and Brut Champagne
  • Squeeze lime & lemon and throw into it
  • Gentle stir with barspoon

# Where?
It's a pretty young product so you can't drink it every where. Just in few cities such as Paris, Cannes, Bordeaux, Monaco & St Tropez. But you can easily buy it on line on Cognac Only or Terre de CocktailThe brand organize a lot of events, I invited you to visit their Facebook fanpage to follow all their news. 

Taste it and gives us your feedback.
Hope you'll enjoy it :)


dimanche 30 décembre 2012

How not to start 2013 with 2012's stigmata.

One more day before New Year Eve !
We guess most of you got great plans for this night. 
And in two days you may live the remains of the biggest party of the year. 

So we thought that we could help you avoid -or at least limit- 
the "1st of january effects" by writing this quick survival guide.

       When your hangover your body is dehydrated and needs time to drain the alcohol. First advice,  have a strong breakfast. You need water, proteins, antioxidants and vitamins. There is few foodstuffs which have specific effects : 
  • Eegs - breaks down the hangover-causing toxin 
  • Miso soup - special healing nutrients
  • Banana blueberry kale lemon Smoothie - antioxidants, potassium, natural sugars, vitamins and digestive enzymes
  • Coconut water - which gives you elements you need in your blood
  • Kombucha tea
  • Omega 3s
  • Rosemary, cayenne, peppermint, ginger and garlic - spread it everywhere ;)

     You can also do a little exercise, if you usually likes too. It will release mood-boosting hormones and helps you eliminate.

     Finally you can try the "home spa" experience, turning water from hot to cold in your shower. Its help the blood circulation and will invigorate you. If you prefere to chill fill you a bath with essential oils such as eucalyptus, it will surely make you fell better.

Hoping that you will enjoy your New Year Eve
and that those tips will be useful !

lundi 24 décembre 2012

Christmas Inspirations

The big day is coming, and we cannot let it go without a special article
So we had selected 3 cocktails to warm up your Christmas Eve!

Mrs Claus's Tequilla Rose

A variant of classic "milk and cookies" for Santa.

  • 1/4 cup crushed marie cookies
  • 1 tsp corn syrup
  • 2 servings tequila rose, chilled
  • Sugar for the rim
  • Water for dipping
  • Strawberries for garnish
  • Dip rims of glass in water and dip in sugar. Set aside.
  • Mix together cookies and corn syrup.
  • Divide into 2 glasses and push down to form a crust.
  • Pour in chilled tequila rose and serve with a teaspoon.

Christmas Vodka

A russian friend did this recipe for a party last year, I really liked it and call it « gingerbread vodka » because there is a lot of spices, and quite similar aromas. But I realised then that it just taste like Christmas ! So I decide to share with you this nice recipe. 

  • 350 g of honey
  • zests of an orange
  • 3 Cinnamon sticks
  • 2 Vanilla sticks
  • 5 cloves
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • 15 cl water
  • 70 cl Vodka
  • Put all the ingredients except vodka in a pan at low heat stirring occasionally. 
  • After 25 minutes remove the pan from the hob and put the vodka in it. 
  • Let the mixture to cool.
  • After sieving serve the drink really cold.

Truff’n sky

This is a very special cocktail created in 2008. 3 profesional worked 5 hours to find the perfect match between the ingredients. The results is a delicate and original drink, which fits perfectly Christmas spirit. 

  • 5 cl of whiskey
  • 1 cl of cane sugar
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 g of truffle

The “Around A Glass” Team wishes you a Merry Christmas Eve.
Hoping that you will spend a lovely time enjoying one of those cocktails.
Don’t forget to drink responsibly or to stay overnight at your host’s!

Next week we'll give you special ideas for New Years’s Eve, get ready!

Cheers !

dimanche 16 décembre 2012

Women & Spirits : a story of sweetness

        If you ask women what they think about spirits, every time they said: “too strong” or “not enough fruity”. As you all know, women are never happy of what they have, they're still looking for originality, surprise and news. So how women can consume this beautiful product? Today we find the solution!

      Make cocktails based on spirits! You probably tells us the idea still exists. That's right but these coktails are differents. We have picked cocktails' recipes adapted to the different profiles of 21st century women.

# The Cherry Whiskey Smash
made for a bit sexy and sophisticated girl loving party

  • 1 oz Jack Daniels
  • 1 oz cherry juice
  • ½ oz amaretto
  • ½ oz ginger brandy
  • 2 oz cherry cola
  • 5 maraschino cherries

# The Cognac Summit
made for business women who are unique and like to be surprised

  • a zest of lemon
  • 4 slivers of fresh ginger
  • 1.5 oz cognac VSOP
  • 2 oz lemonade
  • a slight peel of cucumber

# Vanilla, Pear & Vodka Cocktail
made for sweet girl who’s a little bit dreamy loving nature and simple things

  • 3 oz pear juice
  • 1.5 oz vodka
  • 1/4 vanilla bean
  • vanilla sugar
  • 1 cup ice

This cocktail reminds us the summer time. We adapted it thanks to season fruits as pearls. It mix winter and summer style in a glass. Vanilla understates the touch of summer in this cocktail.

So now try it, have fun and share with your friends Around A Glass !