
dimanche 10 février 2013

Discovery : Pandor

Few weeks ago I tried Pandor with few friends...

# What ?
          Pandor is a spirit made with Absinth plants, 2 products are marketed the White Pandor (40°) and the Black Pandor (60°). I taste the white one and I drank Absinth many times when I was in Malta and White Pandor doesn't really taste like the one I tried. It's smoother, less agressive with very nice soft licorice aromas. I didn't tried the black one yet, I'm afraid it will be too strong, but it could be fun though. 

       Created in 1792 by a Doctor, Absinth knew a huge succes from the middle of 18th century and became, the artists' and poets' alcohol. A tons of famous people used to drink it Musset, Apollinaire, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Manet, Degas, Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Picasso, etc. Lots of people have wrong idea about absinth, such as "Absinth create hallucinations", "Absinth make people lose their mind". The truth is, back in those bohemian days there was a lots of alcoholics so it's not the beverage itself which harmed people but the overconsumption. 

        Pandor intents to bring Absinth back in our partys with its spirit of fun, love and freedom. The brand wants to get rid of the "poete maudit" image and make absinth an alcohol we will consume as easily as whisky, vodka or rum. They propose nice cocktail recipe on their website wich looks really nice. Personaly I drank it in shot and then in a Jet 27 // Pandor cocktail. Anyway forget the absinth spoon, the sugar and the flames, take a shot and enjoy !

Hope you'll test it and share with us this experience !
Cheers !

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