
dimanche 13 janvier 2013

[Re] Discovery : Menthe Pastille

In that new post we propose you to discover a forgotten alcohol, 
which has won the hearth of our parents 
but is now almost unknown for our generation.

# What?
     Menthe Pastille is a mint liquor, it's very fresh with a great balance between sugar and alcohol. That is why we had a preference for Menthe Pastille compare to Get 27. It's much more refreshing, to enjoy it the best way, drink it "on the rocks", you can also had sparkling or still water.

# History
   The Giffard company is a french artisanal society which used to produce syrups, eau de vie and liquors. In 1855 Emile Giffard -pharmacist- was making some research about refreshing and digestives virtues of the mint. After several tests he develops a mint liquor : Menthe Pastille was born. So Giffard decided to specialize in the alcoholic beverages and syrups.
     The secret of their success was due to the perfect knowledge of the different products uses and know how of artisanal fabrication.

# Cocktail
   Giffard company, because they have that appreciation and understanding of how to conbine beverages to make something gustatif and tasty, decided to create cocktails for different occasions :
Short drink / Long drink / No alcohol / Events / Coffee and tea

      Lets discover a cocktail we selected for you. It's an innovative cocktail invent by a bartender Master student in Angers school and who had the chance to win the first price of Giffard School Cup : perfect to share with your friends and easy to make !

Tropical Revelation

  • 3 cl Menthe Pastille
  • 1 cl Limon Giallo
  • 2 cl Passion juice
  • 3 cl Emulsion of pink grapefruit syrup and fresh cream
1 cl = 2 teaspoons

To do the emulsion you just have to blend the syrop and the fresh cream with a whisk. Then use a shaker to do your cocktail.

If you want to have fun with your friends 
and share an educative and warm moment 
you can also visit that old french artisanal company.

Thanks to all for your reading and cheers !

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