
dimanche 2 décembre 2012

Wish List

Winter is here and in the cold and dark evenings of december
you can see the Christmas lights appearing all around the city.
You're all looking for nice gifts and you don't know what to buy?
Don't worry we're here for you. 
Our team had selected few trendy, chic and original spirits.

# Original gift

Rhum in Tube, we love it ! 4 tubes for 4 differents flavours from differents islands (Marie Galante, Martinique and Guadeloupe). The plus is that it also includes a CD and book on agricultural rum. This unusual and entertaining present will make you travel away.

# A big favorite 

A whiskey blend malt from Japan. Not so many people know about the tradition of whiskey in japan, neither have the opportunity to taste one of their product. But the fact is the japanese  became, pretty much masters in art of blending. Need a proof? This whiskey has been elected best blended malt in the world in 2012. There is no doubt, with that 17 years Nikka Taketsuru, you will taste an exceptionnal whiskey with unique flavors.

# The soul of South West France. 

Welcome in Armagnac with that rare vintage bottle : All the tipicity of South West of France in a beautiful, original and elegant bottle. The old and well-known Chateau St Christeau use all its traditional know how to bring us in a small travel to 1962 to taste that blended Armagnac (Colombard, Saint Emilion and Folle Blanche). If you are searching for an exceptional gift, it's definitely the one

# The beauty queen

Here the best tequila in the world that will prove to be the gift of the year for the lucky one. Made from hand picked blue agave this Tequila is distilled three times, aged and blended with the best lots in order to obtain an incomparable softness. Each tequila is sold in a numerated handmade crystal bottle.

Enjoy it, select the ONE and share it Around A Glass (with moderation).

Cheers !

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