
dimanche 9 décembre 2012

Absolut'ly Fabulous

            Absolut became a worldwide known brand thanks to its star product : Absolut Vodka Tonic. Heres two interesting facts about this vodka : the receipe which gave this soft mix of cereals and dry fruits aromas, had remain the same from the launch in 1979 (in NYC). The original bottle with the icy effect was inspired by a glass discovered in an antique shop. Nowadays Absolut had a wide range of flavored vodka made from the same receipe. 

            To keep it fun they created a lot of limited editions designed by the world's most famous designers. In september they launched a very special limited edition called « Unique », 4 millions numbered unique bottles had been made. A crazy project but an awesome success.

           We cannot speak about vodka without mentioning the mythical russian couple  : Vodka & Caviar!

           ABSOLUT Vodka is the perfect match to caviar, because of its purity that let the caviar in the spotlight. Also you must choose intense caviar such as the Sevruga or the Beluga Caviars

            For optimal tasting conditions your vodka must be ice-cold (24h in the freezer). In contrary the caviar should not be consumed too cold, for optimal flavors take it out of the refrigerator one or two hours before tasting it. The best way to enjoy your caviar is to eat it on toasts or blinis and drink immediately a glass of vodka.

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